Thursday, September 4, 2008

Debt Consolidation - Your Final Financial Solution?

Here's your financial situation. You have, over the years, accumulated a significant amount of debt through various financial motions. The debt though is not wholesome, to say the least. Rather, it is quite the nuisance being how it has been amassed. Your debt is dispersed and exists within various balances through a few lenders or creditors. So, you're stuck with numerous balances to satisfy. This though, leaves you with a few stresses simply because you're having trouble with scheduling and paying all the different payments. To you, it seems you're juggling you debt in the form of 6 multi-colored balls. And, you're literally going a bit nuts. Getting dizzy.

You're no financial juggler nor have you ever wanted to be one. You might joke around quite a bit and get a laugh a-brewing amongst friends, but you're not one to take your financial worries lightly, or in jest. And what you want more than anything else is to not juggle your debt. Ideally, you'd like to see all these six balls be reduced to only one.

Well, to your celebration, that is actually quite possible.

Multiples to Single: Debt Reduction

Take five from six and you get one. And in the world of having debt, isn't having one balance to worry about much better than six? I'd say so. Now, you wonder how taking numerous balances (in your case, six) to a mere one is possible? Simply enough, all it takes is a debt consolidation move.

The word consolidation itself means combining or uniting two or more things together as one. And taking the word debt consolidation for what it blatantly suggests, you can take two or more debts and bring them together as one large debt. This means that you can take all your six balances and bring them together as a grouping of debt. The best thing here is that all those separate balances are brought together and considered as one big debt.

One Balance, One Loan & One Worry

Now, with one balance under a debt consolidation loan you can worry no more about multiple debts. Having to schedule which payments are due on X date will no longer be an action you have to take. Now, you can rest assured that you only have one debt worry - your new debt consolidation loan. And paying it off will prove to be much more easier than you probably anticipated. This is so because you will have one loan, on a monthly payment schedule (that doesn't change) and the payments are all under one fixed interest rate

Lessened Interest Totals and Lengthened Repayment

So, being that six balances are no longer a worry and you now only have one balance you need to realize how much interest will be saved. Not that an amount can be provided to you right now, but what can be given is a certainty that the interest total you'll pay on one loan, rather than six, will be monumentally less. This means more money for you not to spend on your debt.

What's even better is the fact that you will be able to pay off your (now) one debt over a more gradual and extended repayment plan. This, too, saves you even more money by making you pay less per month.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

truly its practical to consolidate all your debt into one account. but it takes the risk of having a large amount to pay.

February 21, 2009 at 9:19 PM  

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