Consolidation Loans Aren't All Bad!
Although having to take out a loan is not ideal, it is better than some of the alternatives: maxing out numerous credit cards, going into mortgage arrears or even bankruptcy, and, if a consolidation loan is managed correctly, it can actually have a positive effect for someone with a bad credit history because it can help improve their credit rating.
A consolidation loan allows the borrower to put all their debts in one place and make a single payment to just one creditor each month. If payments are kept up to date, it shows potential lenders that the borrower can make monthly payments so are not high risk. This can then improve that person's credit rating, which in turn can lead to better lending rates in the future.
There are a number of options available when looking for a consolidation loan; an unsecured loan usually lends the borrower up to £25000, depending on individual circumstances, which is then repaid over a fixed period of time. This means that the borrower can be certain about the amount they will repay and their monthly outgoings.
A secured loan allows a homeowner to borrow more than is generally available as an unsecured loan - as much as £100,000 depending on the amount of equity held in the property. While this can be a good option for those who want to spread the cost over a longer period and borrow more money than they can with an unsecured loan, it means they could end up repaying more in the long run, and the monthly repayments will not be certain. Secured loans tend to have a variable interest rate and therefore the total amount to repay can change and take longer than it might seem at first.
As lenders make it harder to borrow, it is more important than ever to shop around to source the best deals on the market, rather than panicking and applying for the first one that they get offered.
Those looking for a consolidation load should also get a credit report before they apply for any loan. This way, they will know what their chances are before applying, to help them decide which type they should go for and thus avoiding potentially worsening their credit report further by adding rejections to it.
The decision to take out a consolidation loan should not be taken lightly. However, when all other options have been exhausted, a consolidation loan could help someone who is really struggling to get their finances back on track.